Sid is the resident Spider. Driven by hunger and brute skills, he'll employ every method to catch his prey. He is able to switch roles at will to appear as the fearsome hunter or as the sneaky trapster. He dangles his sticky line in the middle of traffic where an unsuspecting fly might trip into it. He lays out his foreboding web to trap his next meal, that is if he doesn't get himself tangled in it first. He will even resort to luring his victims with wads of cash left on the lid of a manhole and wait underneath it, ready to pounce on his naive prey! There's no limit to what he'll do to satisfy his appetite and in the process providing all sorts of silly antics.
Sid Vicious is one of the Flipitytoons characters who experienced the most radical re-design. With the release of the popular movie: Jurassic Park, in 1993, the early version of this character had this spider take on a T-Rex look. This comic strip series simply titled Insects, sugested they inhabited a pre-historic, jurassic forest.
In order to simplify the design and to bring this character in line with the newly found identity for Flipitytoons, Sid had to shed his dinosaur like appearance. His make up and name was inspired by the legendary Rock Band: KISS. He adopted the more traditional cartoon limbs with white gloves as a call back to those iconic characters of the Golden Age of Cartoon/Animation. His new role was less of a menacing tyrant but now, as Flipitytoons comedic thug.